Sonora Union High School District Strategic Plan: A Vision for Success
The Sonora Union High School District is proud to share its comprehensive Strategic Plan, developed in collaboration with community members, district leaders, and staff. The plan serves as both an accountability framework and an inspirational roadmap to ensure every student is well-prepared for success in school and life.
Key Elements of the Plan:
- Vision: The district is committed to preparing every student for success by cultivating personal excellence.
- Mission: In a safe and supportive environment, with an eye to the future and honoring tradition, Sonora Union High School District empowers students to be academically excellent, career and college ready, and engaged citizens.
- Core Objectives: The top priorities include mental and social-emotional wellness, human resources, career and technical education (CTE), and support for core academic subjects like math, English, science, and the arts.
Collaboration and Input from the Community
The Strategic Plan reflects the input of over 40 community and district leaders who came together to establish the district’s vision and mission, prioritize objectives, and set measurable goals. This collaborative approach ensures that the plan meets the needs of both students and the broader community.
Focused on Student Wellness and Academic Success
A primary focus of the plan is the mental and social-emotional wellness of students, with specific metrics in place to track progress and ensure continuous improvement. The plan also emphasizes academic excellence through enhanced programs in career and technical education, visual and performing arts, and core academic subjects.
Read the Full Strategic Plan
To learn more about how Sonora Union High School District is shaping the future of education and supporting every student’s success, read the full Strategic Plan here: Strategic Plan.